I went to "Mimi's Cafe" for dinner with my Great Grammie Pat and Grandpa Jim! Grammie and Grandpa were there along with my mom and dad. As we were leaving, I ran out and thought that my dad was right there beside me.
From behind me, I heard my dad's voice, "Hey, is that your new family?!"
Silly me! Dad was not right beside me, but since Dad was being silly, I thought I'd go along with it. I grabbed the hand of the man next to me and proceeded to walk half way to his car with him. He was a nice man and turned around to walk me back to me REAL family! I was a little ticked because I thought it would be a fun adventure to visit with another family.
Dad explained that if I did go with him, I would never see my REAL family again because this guy didn't know where we lived. I settled down a little.
(Good thing Mom didn't see all of this happen!)
Culture Shock 120
9 years ago