About Nick

Blog monitored by my mom who will post my favorite things.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Soaking Seeds

So, we were supposed to soak these seeds
of the sensitive plant for 3 hours. 3 Days Later:

You can see the little sprouts coming out already!

Monday, April 12, 2010

April Showers bring May Flowers

I planted some seeds with my dad and we are going to watch them grow. These plants do not have flowers; they are called leafy plants.

Let's see if I can remember their names: Sensitive Plant; Lamb's Ear; Dotted Plant

Step 1. I had to soak the peat moss so
it would expand. Very "dirty."

Step 2. Fill the pots with the
moss, put the seeds in and
cover them up with more moss.

Step 3. Put plastic over the
pots and sit them in the sun.
I can't wait to see them when
they sprout!